Monday, 19 October 2015

Europe proyect

Option 1: Task 1


Dear diary:
I arrive from Europe, a see a lot of countries with their different cultures aspects, different people, and different quotidian aspects, all involved in a enormous beauty. But now a question catches me, all the beauty is the same?, in other word all the places that I see are beauty because are not normal for me to see or their had their proper beauty?.

Beauty, the quality of a person, a thing or an animal that provoke to anyone who see it a feeling of pleasure and happiness. This definition is the globally accepted, but when you had walk for a great variety of places you now, that the rule change because every place have their owns characteristics attraction’s that have their own beauty their own history.

I see the impotent mediaeval stile of United kingdom with their hug castles and wall that represent the brave spirit of the country history, that extend her pride to all the habitants that live under the sun of this country. I walk in the great epic center the cost of the “illustration” that move the critical thinking of the people in the hispan-american empire, giving us the desire of knowledge, seeing her history in the great museum of Luvre, and inhaling the air of the elegance in the Palace of Versalles. And for the final I put me in the great magic of the great’s passages of the Romans and Greeks, walking in the same roads of the great armies and emperors, and besides plunging into the great artistic culture of the country, see in firsthand the biggest exponents of the romanticism and the renascence cultural artistic movements.

Well I think that in the end their country have their own beauty because each one have different history, culture and hidden magic, so that every spectator who can stop in this old lands seek and find and define the beauty by their owns.