Thursday, 28 November 2013

Letter Of Complaint

28 of November 2013
Cartoons violence

Dear Sir: Im writting this letter to you because te programs thta you show in your channel have to much violence for the kids  and you put in  hours that all  little childrens can see it  and they  are goin change they behavior.

This problem I see in my kid because he change hes actitide , to be more agresive and hyperactic in the hause  and ind the school hes teachers call me  more recently because his change of behavior and dont take attention in class.

I recomended to you to chane the hour of progamation  later in the night so that children can not see it and  the parents can send them to bed and avoid to the kids see the program that make hes agressive and hiperactive.

And that is what i recommendes to you so please take it in considerations or if you dosent take I  will be forced to opt for more complex methods and get the results that I whant  and many other parents concerned about their children wants.


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Interactive Oral Activiti

Caption: ´There seems to me be a real lack of people who know to do it tastefully. it can be attractive,but i find the opposite to be the case more often´´

Picture Number 15

   I learn in class:  how to  analyse the picture and  desifher
  what is the proposit of that picture  and the  hidden message that
  gave the picture and how to link the image to the correct caption.


1. Contemporary adolescent and young adult culture has embraced tattoing and body piercing, ostensibly as a form of self-expression. It seems that if not tattooed themselves, there are very few degrees of separation between any adolescent and someone in their life who bears a tattoo or is pierced somewhere on their body./LINK:

2 .Thirty years ago, 1 in 100 people in this country had tattoos. Now 1 in 10 Americans have them, and one-third of those aged 25 to 30 have tattoos. While society is becoming more liberated and expressive, and piercings and tattoos become part of mainstream culture./LINK:

 In may opinion pircings and tattoos are a form of epression that a person have to demostrate something or state a idea, and corresponds to the person see what message what to show to people. For that way i think that put pircings and tattoos is a form of style for each person that whant in some  way  be different of the rest of the people , and  het happy for himself.

  1. Pircings and tattoos are a form  of self expression.
  2. Depends of the taste of each person.
  3. is a form  to feel more important  to you.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


General manager

Las Pelargonias, con con

Dear Sir:
Im writting this letter because a see in a newspaper a ad fir do nanny service , i now that you take jobs all days inclusive wekends.

I be good for the job because I very pacient and interactive, i good working in team and for that Ilearn to be very careful. I have musicians and writting skills that I can use to intertaint the kid or I can writing  stories for mejorate the lenguae of the kid and his lingistick skills.

I avaliable all days of 4pm to 10 pm andflexiblein weekends, please callme at the number 66464171 to see you and do the intervew.

Sincerely thanks you very much,

Vicente Perez
AV.General Bulnes 530 viña del mar

Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Vicente Perez 
Av. General Bulnes, Terraverde, nº 14, Los Almendros

number: 3174148 and E-mail

objective: work whit people to do betters works and help it in many tipe of situation or problem.

The MAckay school, viña del mar ,reñaca, Av Vicuña mackenna
  • Infant :2001- 2005
  • junior:2005- 2008
  • Senior:2009 to present
 Integriti in CAS group for  2005 

Play fifteen-a-side in 2009,2010,2011 and 2012


Trinity college Exam: 2008, 2012

Instruments award in 2007.

Volunteer Experience:
 Participate in Techo para Chile: 2012

Orchestra of flute in school.

Musician and writer : flute (traverse), do  lyrics  and write stories .

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Monday, 29 July 2013

Friday, 21 June 2013


How to buil xin zhao

For people dat play league of legends an like this champion.

Now Im tolk ho to build thi character:
  1. xin zhao is a melee faigter that use his abilities for do a lot of damage and help the team is good as the line top and jungler.
  2. He have five abilities :
pasive: xin target a champiom whit his basicks reducing the armor of the targertof a 15 porcent.

Q : do three attacks whit a lot of damge and is the last  nock up the enemy.
W: incresse attack speed of this champ 
E:  jump of a enemy championand put slowed.
R:xin  zhao unleashes a sweep around him nock back the enemies.

Now I will put the iterms that you have to build xin zhao:
  1. frozen mallet
  2. omen
  3. blackclever
  4. ninja tabi(bots)
  5. fhamtom dancer
  6. hydram or infinity Edge
Xin Zhao spells are: flahs and ignite or flash and smite for jungler.

when you start the game?

you have to buy to xin one bot and five pots and then go to your line top.then in your first recall you may buy qa frozen mallet and ninja tabi, and your first abiliti taht you have to lvl up is the Q for the lot of damage that do.

Key lenguage that you have to now:

adc : is the carry
ap: abiliti power
ad: atack damage
mia: enemies are mising 
nameof lines:top , mid ,jungler,bot.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

summary page 0 to 10


This pages trated of marlow is in the nelly and he start relating hes story to other and he start went hes young and want you do the job that he always wanht. he relatiing went he go to the doctor to verify if he is prepared to do the job. then he tell the conversation  that have whit the doctor that why he whant to do the job.


Safer treatment for stress and anxiety

I think taht conventional medicine has a better treatment for stress and anxiety because we have a safer treat and condition to  th patient get healthy..

 first this deasease can put you in several problems if is not treated correctly and is for  that that  you cant treat yhis desease in your hause.Consulting a doctorm is the only way to segure  a treatment according to the symptoms  that the person have of stress and anxiety.

Also if yours symptoms change the doctor can tell you how is the new treatment that ypu have to follow and exactly what you have to do , for example: if  you follw a treat of hause like eat healthy and do sports  you cant segure that you real have a susedfull recovery and in some cases you are empeoring the desease and that can carry you worse problems.

The desease that you can take if  you dont follow a good treatment are: imsobnio  and exesibe anxiety  . And reguylary you go to fell more angry and less sociable.

Because of I xplain before I think that the conventional medicine is the best way to treat  this disease because is proved that if you follow the order of your doctor you goint to have a easy cure for the desease and whit no problems to future.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013



Stress is a normal feeling. In small doses, stress can help you get things done. Stress does 

not affect everyone the same way.

Many people feel stress symptoms in their body. You may be having pain in your abdomen, 

headaches, and muscle tightness or pain.

When you are very stressed, you may notice:

• A faster heart rate

• Skipped heartbeats

• Rapid breathing

• Sweating

• Trembling

• Dizziness

Other symptoms include:

• Loose stools

• Frequent need to pee

• Dry mouth

• Problems swallowing

You may have a harder time focusing, feel tired most of the time, or lose your temper more 

often. Stress may also cause sexual problems. It can also cause problems with falling or 

staying asleep and nightmares.


Stress can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, unease, and worry. The source of these symptoms is not always known.

Many people have stress when they need to adapt or change.

Examples are:

• Starting a new job or school

• Moving to a new home

• Getting married

• Having a child

• Breaking up with someone

An injury or illness to you, a friend, or a loved one is a common cause of stress. Feelings of 

stress and anxiety are common in people who feel depressed and sad.

Some drugs may cause or worsen symptoms of stress.

These can include:

• Some inhaler medicines used to treat asthma

• Thyroid drugs

• Some diet pills

• Some cold remedies

Caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, and tobacco products may also cause or make symptoms of 

stress or anxiety worse.


Call a suicide hotline if you have thoughts of suicide.

Reasons you may want to seek more help are:

• You have feelings of panic, such as dizziness, rapid breathing, or a racing heartbeat.

• You are unable to work or function at home or at your job.

• You have fears that you cannot control.

• You are having memories of a traumatic event.

What types of treatment or therapy can a patient use?how long do they take?what are their pros and cons?

Of course. Most cases of stress and anxiety disorders can be successfully treated by 

health professionals and properly trained mental health. Several studies have shown that 

both behavior therapy and cognitive therapy and behavioral (CBT) can be very effective 

in treating anxiety disorders. Psychologists use CBT to help patients identify and learn to 

control the factors that contribute to your anxiety.

The vast majority of people who suffer from stress and anxiety disorders can 

reduce or eliminate your symptoms and return to normal life after several months 

of psychotherapy appropriate. Many people notice progress in eliminating 

symptoms and recover their ability to function after a few treatment sessions. It is 

very important to understand that treatments for stress and anxiety disorders do 

not work instantly.

The advantages treated with a psychologist are very promising since stress and 

anxiety subside a bit and helps you to be more relaxed and not be thinking about 

work stuff like that, but the disadvantages are that you have to use many things

sedatives to calm them and it makes you damage the body.



Likely to recover from stress and anxiety are very favorable because the psychologist can

make the person calms down and gives you a moment of relaxation to recover and leave 

the stress and anxiety of the cloud which is more common in countries where sound are



to treat stress you should take soothing drug types for try to calm down and follow the 

directions of the remedy and is  the same for anxiety. because it has relationship in their

symptoms but whit hers diferences



Benzodiazepines are a class of stress-relieving medications that are used to help people

who have just be a trauma or an incident that has caused a high level of stress.


This is another popular category of drugs used to relieve stress. Although most

antidepressants require a prescription, there are some that are available without 

prescription also. Among prescription antidepressants have, the monoamine oxidise

inhibitor antidepressants (Tofranil), the selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake inhibitors 


Inhibitors Selective :

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These are the drugs most commonly used for 

anxiety since it is normally the first choice of doctor or psychiatrist.

The reason is simple: the SSRIs have proven to be very effective in combating anxiety,

not addictive, does not cause memory problems, do not interfere with psychotherapy as it 

does not affect the level of alertness of the person and have minimal effects side

What ate the cost involved?

Remedies prices are a little high because they are soothing to calm the person and do not 

continue with a little more stress and can sleep well.

the total price of the remedies are: $50.000

Do health programs in chile cover this treatment expenses?how about health programs of the us,uk or any european country?

In Chile Isapres covering these treatments stress and anxiety that we know are golden cross and 

hive health ministry are most common in chile we know and treatments covering stress and the 


National Health Service is one of the Isapres that exist in the treatments discussed in uk.

Refer to one real testimony to support your findings. include as much information as posible.

More and more financial burdens we face which makes me very anxious and crave. On 

the other hand, serve the husband is not easy, less and less time to share the parenting. 

And if nothing else, but I have to swaddle work hard to help with expenses. Not to mention

how to stay attractive to my relationship, make time for the gym, salon, keep the house

nice and cozy. It's hard to keep the family together in these modern times. All this stresses 

me out and makes me eat gluttony, but keep a good weight because I work out Monday 

through Friday. Rather live more simply, where money is not the priority, and the family is

the center of attention, the why and the meaning of life.


The crack drug

What are the origins of this drug?

The crack is considered the most addictive drug and its appearance is a relatively recent phenomenon. In 1985 the New York Times first mentioned "a new form of drug called crack." A year later this same publication states that crack is the biggest news since the fall of Vietnam and Nixon. While media crack dispersion compared with the plagues of medieval Europe, the researchers discovered that the use of this psychoactive not a national epidemic, but "a phenomenon limited to a few slums in the city in less than twelve urban areas. "But since then the phenomenon has continued to grow and there are no indications of how far it will stop.

What effects does this drug produce on people? (hallucinations, stimulation, euphoria, etc.)

Studies with people who have used crack show, however, that not all become daily users and addicts, and that when this happens is after a few months of use.
Euphoric properties of cocaine and crack are due to stimulate the brain to release higher amounts of dopamine than normal.
Dopamine, a neurotransmitter chemical, binds to brain receptors that activate feelings of excitement and pleasure.
The effects are much more rapid and intense than those of cocaine, beginning to feel within five seconds and with a duration of 5-10 min. It produces an initial rise to a state of euphoria and disinhibition enormously pleasurable, vigor and decreased fatigue, self-esteem and hyperactivity. Then there is a drop (15-20 min) in which fatigue and confusion appears depressed. In the physical appearance is a decrease in blood flow, blood pressure and increased heart rate.

What are the consequences of its addiction?

This drug is a strong central nervous system stimulant that blocks the reabsorption process of dopamine, a chemical messenger associated with pleasure and movement. Dopamine is released as part of the brain's reward system and is related to the high that characterizes cocaine consumption. The physical consequences of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. The duration of the immediate euphoric effects of cocaine, which include hyperstimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity, depends on the form of administration. The faster the absorption, the more intense the stimulus. On the other hand, the faster the absorption, the shorter the action. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes and smoking, 5-10 minutes. Increase use can reduce the period of stimulation.

How does this drug affect a person’s body and mind?

When the crack is consumed, the individual experiences a sense of vitality, body temperature rises, the focus is the level of heart rate accelerates, the decrease appetite and sleep.Cause temporary effects of crack consumption is the desire to increase the dose to twice, as it creates a kind of negative tolerance by the body. As the crack is a drug that is smoked, the connection to the brain and the bloodstream is much more immediate than that of cocaine, duration and effect is based solely on the amount consumed in the moment.The effects of crack consumption long term leave from the mental to the Treasury, taking always change the amounts, timing and intensity of abuse for the user with this drug.Only two minutes are enough to feel the effects of the crack in the body, unlike cocaine it only takes one minute after inhalation. Like injecting psychotropic drugs, the effects of these decrease after 30 minutes of peak.


The alternative medicine is not good to  the life because not have the experiment nessesary to prove that he real heal a person whit disease. And that is why conventional medicine is better for  most experiment that prve that you gona fell good of your disease.
The alternative medicine is a not secure motod of healbeacuse not have the experiments nessesary  for a real  treatment that segure tot he people tha they are in good conditions and because recents estudies prove tahst the alternative medicine make in your mind  to you  think that your body is  in better conditions   that real is giving as result a worse condition before you used the alternative medicine.
conventionalmedicine is best because is based in segure experiments that prove and enseguring that the results of the treatment can be safer. Because if you have a desease  whit the conventional medicine is more easy and efficent to cure is take the medine and follow the treatment to be in a good healt conditions .And third  the advantage of this medicine are the easy methods that you use to felling better in every case.

To conclude a prefer conventional medicine because is a based on  facks and experimentaciontaht asegure a good and healfy life whit  not concers if you contrac a deseasy  because you can healt whit a simple treatment.



Imperalism  is went a country collonise other based the ideas of superiority and practice of dominance that  implicate the control of one state and hes people  over another.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

SUMMARY PAG 20 to 30


    In summary the book pages 20 to 30 is about the stay of Marlow in capament waiting for Mr. Kurt's and for they fix the that they go to use ship. Also along your stay at camp is watching how they treat blacks. 

      Also it is a lot like Marlow relates to people around you and intrigue of knowing who is actually Mr. Kurt's.

    Also  whit the  accuonttant of the company he see the discrimination of the africans workers and the  terrible conditions that they are.