How to buil xin zhao
For people dat play league of legends an like this champion.
Now Im tolk ho to build thi character:
- xin zhao is a melee faigter that use his abilities for do a lot of damage and help the team is good as the line top and jungler.
- He have five abilities :
pasive: xin target a champiom whit his basicks reducing the armor of the targertof a 15 porcent.
Q : do three attacks whit a lot of damge and is the last nock up the enemy.
W: incresse attack speed of this champ
E: jump of a enemy championand put slowed.
R:xin zhao unleashes a sweep around him nock back the enemies.
Now I will put the iterms that you have to build xin zhao:
- frozen mallet
- omen
- blackclever
- ninja tabi(bots)
- fhamtom dancer
- hydram or infinity Edge
Xin Zhao spells are: flahs and ignite or flash and smite for jungler.
when you start the game?
you have to buy to xin one bot and five pots and then go to your line top.then in your first recall you may buy qa frozen mallet and ninja tabi, and your first abiliti taht you have to lvl up is the Q for the lot of damage that do.
Key lenguage that you have to now:
adc : is the carry
ap: abiliti power
ad: atack damage
mia: enemies are mising
nameof lines:top , mid ,jungler,bot.
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