Monday, 24 November 2014


for Vicente Perez

TcK and they Lives.

some people don't know what is the term of tcl and some others don't know ho they are or what are the challenges that this kids and persons have to fare well,this report is foretell you ho they are.

Tck are the kids defined recently like"children's complain their parents into another culture"they first culture is the country were they lives, the second is they nationality of hers parents and the third is that they create mixed the others two that have  and are exposed.

the children are exposed to diferents cultures, grow and develop in difference way of the others kids acquiring difference abilities and others concepts of live.They have fare difference problems and they have others disavantages and facilities. focusing about his aspects we can identify this kids or adults that belongs to this category a TcK.

In their lives this kids have to fare problems that regulary are problems of identity and have to relacionate, cause of the vRiety of cultures that provide to they a  different traditions and credential, that the others childrens , adolecents, and adulst can use to separete hims and put them alone.

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